

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Succulent plants

I chose a red clay pot as a rendezvous for a variety of  Echeveria and Sedum.
At the back, two rosettes of greyish purple thick leaves around pinkish stems, and the one in the front with greyish green thick leaves are Echeveria.  In middle row, a rosette of dark green thick leaves is Echeveria that will colour up red in full sun. The one at left with greyish green slender thick leaves should be Sedum.  In between them, there are some interesting Sedums, for their dark green fleshy leaves look like geometric beans(tri-facet).

A hanging basket of coconut shell

After consumed the coconut flesh and sweet juice, I suddenly had an idea to use it as a hanging container for plants.  I choked off the top part of the hard shell carefully and drilled holes for strings.  A small plastic pot of Muehlenbeckia Axillaris was fitted in, then I hooked it to the window lattice.  Now they can enjoy summer breeze all the time.

Muehlenbeckia Axillaris

These Muehlenbeckia Axillaris are thriving because of the warm and humid weather.  Their brown wandering stems with green/yellow tone leaves covered on are extending fastly, looking for new colony.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Butterfly Orchid

My Phalaenopsis are blooming.  Do they look alike many butterflies perched on a branch?

These pink butterflies have light fragrance especially in the morning time.  Smell lovely!

Wednesday, 23 April 2014


This is my only Cattleya Orchid.  Their blooms have attractive purple appearance and sweet fragrance, can last about one month.

A tranquil corner


Peace Lily

These are the offsprings of the old one I bought many years ago.  Their white blooms and verdant leaves make a fresh appearance.  
There are two more buds coming up.

A greenery spot

I put Monstera Obliqua(Swiss Cheese Vine) and 3 or 4 keikis of Coconut Orchid standing in the water.
A bouquet of green.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Maidenhair fern

Grown up plant

I've made an experiment of growing Maidenhair in water and it work!  Let the plant sitting on a curl of fine nylon mesh in usual plastic pot(with draining hole) and then put the whole pot in a desired outer pot, pour in some water that just submersed the roots a little bit.  The little one merely used a week to adapting from soil to water, and it goes happily.  So lushy and pretty now.  Be remember to refill some water everyday and feed it with nutrients once a month.

Baby plants

Christmas decor

I bought this Euphorbia Pulcherrima last Christmas.  Only wanted to feel the X'mas atmosphere for one time purpose, then I might discard it, because it's an outdoor plant!  But it has been staying quite relax at my home ever since.  So be my guest!

Friday, 18 April 2014

A piece of cake

My maxillaria tenuifolia are opening their gold brown colour blooms with sweet vanilla/coconut smell.  I can't help but think about a piece of cake!