

Friday, 23 May 2014

Natural air refreshers

My mauve cattleya has had new shoot of flowering pseudobulb one by one, this is the fourth's since February.  The blooms have delightful sweet fragance and are particularly strong in morning time.  Since my coconut orchids have been blooming all the way from April, they scent likewise(all day long, smell like a pc. of cake), the swirling vortexes of the two different relishes of perfume around me, a good morning!

Friday, 16 May 2014

Rain lily

I always see these pinky flowers(some others white) in the parks or just by the roadside.  So lovely! So eye catching.  But they also remind me a rainstorm is coming soon.  Summer, their season.

Monday, 12 May 2014

A relative of African violet

These perennial  plants have produced several flower pouches, each conceived four white trumpet blooms.  A week then, the white trumpets are now dancing in the air.  But they will fade and drop off in 7 days. Come and go hastily.  They bloom all year round.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Turn over a new leaf

Christmas had long gone.  This foliage is no more a Christmas decor.  Its red old leaves fell off gradually, the remained have a hint of green.  The whole plant's size is triple the original's.  Green shoots prevail, I am anticipating that a change for the next Christmas.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

African violet

My all African violets were wiped out by unknown virus or pests last year. A few leaves were saved and propagated.  Months ago, I found one of the baby plants got sick, unknown disease, so I placed it in a plastic bag as a makeshift smoke chamber, let it bathing in the smoke by burning a pc of mosquito repellent incense about 30 minutes. It seems cured recover afterwards.  And keeps growing and flowering.
I took the same method for others when they got sick.
This African violet's flowers will drop down the linked petals with anthers in one pc when the flowers faded, that I gather why they are so named FallingRainDrop.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Hibiscus rosa-Sinensis

There are many colorful variegated-leave bushes alongside the river promenade near my home.  They are so beautiful and have been manicured to a meticulous row.  I didn't know their name until I have come across a vivid red bloom emerged from the colorful leaves.  Why only one bloom?  

Friday, 2 May 2014

Maxillaria Tenuifolia

The pleasant smell of vanilla and coconut mixture from these orchid flowers filled the living room.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Succulent plants

The rosette of burgundy/black is Aeonium Arboreum.  The center part of leaves will turn back to green if under poor light.  The rosette at right is Echeveria of fleshy glaucous leaves, that the margins and pointed tips are coloring up pink in full sun (maybe strong light alright).