

Monday, 18 May 2015

The daughter and granddaughter

Raised from a cut leaf - the 2nd generation -  with the same appearance as the mother plant.

Raised from a cut leaf obtained from the 2nd generation - the color shade between them are so differently.  It happens often on the hybrid African violets because of their unstable gene.

The Flame violet is water raised.  But they are in good health and bear beautiful flowers.  Since their stems extended so long and crawling around, I use some bamboo sticks to support them standing straight up.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Slipper orchid

I have kept this slipper orchid over a decade but it rarely bloom due to unknown reason.  It came from Netherlands, I think I might haven't provided a proper living environment for it.  Luckily this year the blooming is back.  And I noticed that the flower whose slipper-shaped pouch is smaller than the usual.  Evolution for without insects' pollination?